Archived Announcements

Court of Appeal E-Filing

Jul 21, 2020

On August 31, 2020, the Court of Appeal of Alberta will launch the public portal of its e-filing system called CAMS. The Court of Appeal Management System (CAMS) is a comprehensive case and document management system and an electronic filing system that provides registered users the ability to electronically initiate an appeal, file materials, pay applicable fees and more.  

As of August 31, 2020, litigants and their lawyers will have online access to all of their case materials and other information about their appeals including the full text of all filed documents, deadlines, hearing dates, outcomes and more.

Training will be available to members of the bar and their support staff through the Legal Education Society of Alberta. On August 19, 2020, Court of Appeal staff will discuss the requirements, benefits and functionality of CAMS and the impact it will have on appellate practice. Training resources for self-represented litigants will be posted on the e-filing website in advance of August 31, 2020.